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Our support team is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (CEST). We aim to respond to all inquiries promptly.


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Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates, educational content, and community engagement. Links to social media profiles.

Frequently asked questions

Didn't find your question here? Feel free to chat with Professor BrainBite or contact us directly!

Wat is BrainBite?

BrainBite is een door AI aangestuurd educatief platform dat gepersonaliseerde cursussen biedt voor kleuterschool-, basisschool- en middelbare schoolstudenten. Het biedt een unieke digitale begeleidingservaring, afgestemd op individuele studentenprofielen, en heeft als doel traditionele onderwijsmodellen te revolutioneren.

Hoe personaliseert BrainBite de leerervaring?

BrainBite maakt gebruik van geavanceerde AI- en NLP-technologieën om de prestaties, leerstijlen en interesses van studenten te analyseren. Het past de inhoud, moeilijkheidsgraad en het tempo in realtime aan, waardoor het een gepersonaliseerde leerreis creëert voor elke student.

Welke vakken en cursussen zijn beschikbaar op BrainBite?

BrainBite biedt een uitgebreid scala aan onderwerpen, waaronder geschiedenis, allerlei talen, biologie, en meer (en er komt nog meer). Het platform behandelt leerplannen voor de basisschool voor de leeftijden 8 tot 12 jaar.

Hoe kunnen ouders betrokken raken bij het leren van hun kind op BrainBite?

BrainBite biedt een speciaal ouderdashboard waarmee ouders de voortgang, prestaties en verbeterpunten van hun kind kunnen volgen. Ouders kunnen ook communiceren met de AI-tutor, toegang krijgen tot de gestelde vragen en antwoorden, en deelnemen aan de leerreis van hun kind.

Is BrainBite geschikt voor examenvoorbereiding?

Absoluut! BrainBite biedt gepersonaliseerde studieplannen om leerlingen te helpen bij hun academische groei. Het bestaat om basisschoolleerlingen te ondersteunen in hun academische ontwikkeling. Het helpt leerlingen om hun voortgang bij te houden, zichzelf te testen en hun prestaties te verbeteren.

Op welke apparaten kan ik BrainBite gebruiken?

BrainBite is toegankelijk op meerdere apparaten, waaronder desktopcomputers, laptops, tablets en smartphones. Je kunt op je eigen tempo leren, altijd en overal, zolang je een internetverbinding hebt.

Is er een gratis proefperiode beschikbaar?

Ja, BrainBite biedt een gratis proefperiode voor nieuwe gebruikers aan. Het stelt je in staat om het platform te verkennen, de gepersonaliseerde leerreis te ervaren en de geschiktheid voor jouw educatieve behoeften te beoordelen.


1. What is BrainBite?

BrainBite is an interactive learning platform that makes learning fun and effective. Your child becomes the main character in a story and explores new topics at their own pace.

2. Who is BrainBite for?

BrainBite is designed for kids of all skill levels, helping them grow in knowledge and confidence.

3. How does BrainBite help my child learn better?

BrainBite challenges your child at their current level (and just above), ensuring that learning stays engaging and enjoyable.

4. Can I try BrainBite?

Absolutely! You can explore how BrainBite supports your child’s learning journey during the free trial period.

5. Does it align with school?

Yes, BrainBite even goes beyond school topics, offering a chance to discover things not taught in the classroom.

6. How often should my child use BrainBite?

Consistency is key! Just 10–15 minutes a day is enough to see progress.

7. How is it proven that BrainBite works?

Research and real-world experience show that BrainBite helps kids learn faster and with more joy. We’ll publish research soon that was conducted on our platform.

Platform Questions

1. Can my child learn without an internet connection?

Yes, lessons are available offline so your child can practice anywhere.

2. How can I track my child’s progress?

The parent dashboard lets you see what your child has learned and which goals they’ve achieved.

3. What makes BrainBite different from other learning platforms?

BrainBite combines personalized learning, exciting stories, and playful activities. It turns learning into an adventure! Plus, you can hire an AI tutor for extra support.

4. How can my child get extra help?

The mentor feature provides tailored support based on your child’s needs.

5. What happens when my child reaches a goal?

Each milestone is celebrated with a badge or reward to keep them motivated.

6. Do kids have their own accounts?

Yes, every child has a personal account with tailored learning goals and progress tracking

7. How do I set a goal?

When you subscribe to a course, you can easily set a goal through the “Goals” button.

Payment Questions

1. How does the trial period work?

The 3-day trial gives you free access to all features to explore how BrainBite works.

2. How can I sign up my child for BrainBite?

Visit our website to create an account and get your child started on their learning journey.

3. How much does BrainBite cost?

Pricing depends on the subscription plan. Check out current prices at:

4. Can I change my mind after subscribing?

Yes! You have 14 days after payment to cancel your membership. We’ll ask for feedback so we can improve.

5. Can I gift BrainBite?

Definitely! A BrainBite subscription makes a great gift.

6. I have a discount code. How do I use it?

Enter the code during checkout, and the discount will apply automatically.

7. I live abroad. Can I still use BrainBite?

BrainBite works worldwide as long as you have internet access.

8. How can I change my membership?

Log into your account and adjust your subscription in the settings.

9. I want to add another child. How do I do that?

You can add a second child’s profile on your dashboard. Let us know if you’re running into problems!

10. When does my membership expire?

You can check your account for your membership’s expiration date.

11. How can I extend my membership with a discount?

Discounts are only available for new subscriptions or when a current subscription expires.

12. Can I pause my membership?

Yes! Send us a message and we’ll have a look at the situation and appropriate hold period.

13. I don’t want to renew my membership—what should I do?

Memberships don’t automatically renew, it would stop automatically.

14. Why is my membership still active?

There may still be time left in the cancellation period. Contact us if you need assistance.

15. How do I cancel BrainBite?

Go to the settings in your account and follow the steps to cancel your membership.

Account Questions

1. How do I log in?

Visit our website or app, enter your credentials, and get started right away!

2. How do I log out?

Click on your profile and select the icon at the top-right corner to log out.

3. I lost my password. What now?

Click ‘Forgot Password’ and follow the steps to reset it.

4. I forgot my email address. What should I do?

Contact our support team—they’ll be happy to help you.

5. I can’t log in. What now?

Double-check your login details. If it still doesn’t work, our support team is ready to assist.

6. How do I edit my child’s profile?

You can easily update the profile through your parent account.

7. How do I change my password?

Go to your account settings and select ‘Change Password.’

Email Questions

1. What types of emails will I receive?

You’ll get updates on your child’s progress, helpful tips, fun facts, and marketing emails.

2. How can I adjust email frequency?

In your settings, you can choose how often you want to receive emails.

3. What information is in the weekly report?

The weekly report shows your child’s progress and the goals they’ve achieved.

Privacy Questions

1. What is BrainBite’s cookie policy?

You can find it here: Privacy Policy.

2. How does BrainBite ensure my data is safe?

We use the latest technologies to protect your data. Learn more here: Privacy Policy.

3. How does BrainBite handle children’s data?

We carefully manage all data in accordance with the law. More details are available here: Privacy Policy.

4. How long does BrainBite store my data?

Data is only stored as long as necessary for using BrainBite.

5. How do I unsubscribe from BrainBite emails?

You can unsubscribe easily at the bottom of any email.

6. How can I opt out of BrainBite using my data for marketing?

Contact our support team, and we’ll adjust your preferences right away.

7. How can I delete my data?

Contact us, and we’ll ensure your data is removed.

Technical Questions

1. What devices work with BrainBite?

BrainBite works on all modern devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

2. What browser is best for BrainBite?

For the best experience, we recommend Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.

3. Do I need internet to use BrainBite?

Yes, most features require an internet connection.

Partnering with BrainBite

1. I run a foundation and want to collaborate. How does it work?

Contact us, and we’ll discuss how we can work together.

2. How can foundations use BrainBite?

We offer tailored solutions for foundations. Reach out, and we’ll find the best fit.

3. What are the costs for foundations?

Foundations enjoy special rates. Contact us for more information.

4. I’m a researcher and want to use BrainBite in my study. How does that work?

Research is important to us! Let’s connect and explore the possibilities together.

BrainBite Features

1. Story-Based Learning

Kids learn best when they’re captivated. BrainBite uses immersive stories that guide your child step-by-step through new topics. It’s like being part of an exciting adventure while learning without even realizing it.

2. One-on-One Mentor Sessions

Your child gets personalized guidance from a mentor. These sessions answer questions, tackle challenges, and keep your child motivated.

3. Story-Forking

With BrainBite, your child chooses their learning path by making decisions in the story. This interactive method makes learning more engaging and memorable.

4. Personal Dictionary

Your child creates their own collection of new words, which they can revisit later. It’s a fun way to build vocabulary and boost language skills.

5. Personalized Learning Paths

Every child is unique. BrainBite adapts to your child’s needs and level, providing the right challenges and support for optimal learning.

6. Edu Games

Learning doesn’t have to be boring. BrainBite uses interactive educational games to make practice enjoyable and rewarding.

7. Mini-Courses

BrainBite offers short, focused courses that answer tricky questions in simple ways. In no time, your child learns a lot without feeling overwhelmed.

8. Dedicated Child Mentor

BrainBite provides more than just learning material. A dedicated mentor guides your child every step of the way, offering motivation and tips.

9. Parent Insights with Professor BrainBite

Stay involved with your child’s progress. Professor BrainBite gives you valuable insights, tips, and reports so you can support your child effectively.

10. Inclusivity for ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia

BrainBite ensures that kids with ADD, ADHD, or dyslexia receive extra support, helping them learn at their own pace and in their own way.

11. Goal Setting

Set clear learning goals with your child. By tracking progress, you stay engaged and motivated. Every achievement is celebrated, making learning a positive experience.


1. Hoe werkt de proefperiode?

Tijdens de proefperiode van 3 dagen heb je gratis toegang tot alle functies om te ontdekken hoe BrainBite werkt.

2. Hoe duur is BrainBite?

De prijs is afhankelijk van welk type abonnement je neemt. Voor actuele prijzen kijk hier: BrainBite Prijzen.

3. Krijg ik een bedenkperiode?

Tuurlijk! Je mag tot 14 dagen na de betaling je bedenken en dan annuleren wij je lidmaatschap. We zullen je natuurlijk wel vragen waarom, zo worden wij ook alleen maar beter!

4. Kan ik van abonnementsplan wisselen?

Log in op jouw account en pas je abonnement eenvoudig aan in de instellingen.

5. Kan ik mijn lidmaatschap pauzeren?

Absoluut! Neem contact met ons op en dan kijken we samen hoe lang wenselijk is.

6. Kan ik BrainBite cadeau geven?

Ja! Een BrainBite-abonnement is een waardevol cadeau.

7. Ik heb een kortingscode, hoe kan ik die inzetten?

Vul de code in tijdens het afrekenen en de korting wordt automatisch toegepast.

8. Hoe kan ik een extra kind toevoegen?

Je kunt via jouw dashboard een extra profiel toevoegen voor een tweede kind.


1. How does the free trial work?

During the 3-day trial, you get free access to all features to explore how BrainBite works.

2. How much does BrainBite cost?

The price depends on the type of subscription you choose. Check out current pricing here: BrainBite Pricing.

3. Do I get a reflection period?

Yes! You have 14 days after payment to change your mind, and we’ll cancel your membership. We’ll ask for feedback to improve.

4. Can I switch between subscription plans?

Log in to your account and easily adjust your subscription in the settings.

5. Can I pause my membership?

Absolutely! Contact us, and we’ll work together to find the appropriate duration for the pause.

6. Can I gift BrainBite?

Yes! A BrainBite subscription makes for a valuable gift.

7. I have a discount code. How can I use it?

Enter the code during checkout, and the discount will be applied automatically.

8. How can I add another child?

You can add an extra profile for a second child through your dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting us, please check our FAQs section for answers to common queries. It might save you time and provide immediate solutions.


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